Municipal Court
Mission: Our mission is to provide citizens with fair and equal treatment, an ample opportunity to be heard, and an impartial and timely disposition of cases while abiding by and enforcing all applicable laws and ordinances.
Should you have questions about your case, you can leave a message for the Municipal Court Clerk at the Stanton Town Hall: (731) 548-2565
Or contact the Clerk via email at
Court is held at the Stanton Town Hall, 8 S. Main St., Stanton, Tennessee 38069.
Court typically occurs on the third Wednesday of the month, but make sure to check the date on your citation.

Currently, advance payment of tickets in lieu of appearing in court is not offered. All offenders must appear on the date specified on their citation. Normally, fines and costs are paid the day that the person appears in court and may be paid by cash, check, or credit/debit card.
If you are found guilty and the judge gives you additional time to pay for a violation:
- You can pay fines and costs by cash or check at the Stanton Town Hall during normal business hours.
- You can pay by credit/debit card at the Stanton Town Hall on days when court is in session.
- You can pay tickets online by credit/debit card at:
- You can also pay by phone by dialing (678) 359-2783 (this number is available days, nights, and weekends).
Court Rules and Conduct
- No weapons are allowed.
- Please dress appropriately and in a manner showing respect for the court.
- All persons, bags, and packages are subject to search.
- Do not stand or talk in the courtroom unless addressing the court or other court personnel.
- Unless you are addressing the court, speak quietly while court is in session.
- All cell phones, pagers, radios or other electronic devices must be silenced.
- No texting is allowed inside the courtroom.
- No filming, video, or photographs unless authorized in advance by the judge.
- Do not approach the judge’s bench without being summoned.
Language Interpreters
Any defendant who believes they will need an interpreter in order to understand the court proceedings may contact the Court Clerk at (731) 548-2565 to request an interpreter.
We ask that you contact the Clerk regarding an interpreter at least five days in advance of the date of your hearing. If you wait until you arrive for court to make the request, this may result in delay of your hearing or continuance of your case.
Intérpretes de Lenguas Orales
Todo acusado/demandado que crea que necesitará un intérprete para entender lo que sucede en su proceso judicial puede contactar al Secretario o Secretaria de la Corte al (731) 548-2565 para solicitar un intérprete.
Le pedimos que contacte al Secretario o Secretaria para solicitar un intérprete con por lo menos cinco días de anticipación previos a la fecha de su audiencia. Si espera hasta llegar a la corte para hacer su solicitud, esto puede resultar en la demora de su audiencia o la postergación de su caso.